Exclusive: Aberdeen bus gates lawyer calls council’s bluff with challenge to reveal ‘hidden’ legal advice
The legal eagle has also warned the council that "everything will come out" if the case ends up in court...
The legal eagle has also warned the council that "everything will come out" if the case ends up in court...
The plans could result in retractable bollards being installed at each end of Bridge Street.
We may spend time talking about bus gates and LEZs but at the end of the day safety is probably even more important to whether folk decide to come into town and spend their hard earned pennies.
The Rizza's brand has been around since 1914 and has a special place in the hearts of people in the north-east.
Fierce Beer is refocusing on the local market in a shift away from plans to conquer the UK.
The collision happened near the Broomhill Roundabout on the A96.
Police have warned residents to stay vigilant.
Stewart Trailers owner Jim Stewart attended the Garioch area committee to fight for the future of his business and the livelihood of his staff...
Nine major towns in the region have undergone their annual "health checks".
You can't see it from street level, but we can reveal images and video showing the work ongoing to transform South Street.
Shane Cogan-Eells, 31, also claimed he was robbing drug dealers who were peddling drugs to "young girls".
A cloud has been hanging over Kairin van Sweeden's political career since the comment was made.