New Aberdeen housing developments worth £92m to support 200 local jobs
Persimmon Homes is eyeing more sites as it makes "a long-term investment" in the city.
Persimmon Homes is eyeing more sites as it makes "a long-term investment" in the city.
A watchdog criticised the health board for failures in its management of a "fragile" and "unsustainable" medical service at Dr Gray's Hospital in Elgin.
The council leader defended the decision amid fears for the landscape, with famous Local Hero quote: "You can't eat the scenery."
Plans include pumps, EV charging station and a grocery store.
Colin Watson made to swing a hammer during a fight in Fraserburgh last year when police picked him up.
Police and ambulance are currently in attendance.
The SNP says its "current favoured position" is to fully dual the route - but asked members of the public to give feedback first.
Manjit Dhillon volunteers onboard a Mercy Ship docked off the coast of Africa, where she removes facial tumours the size of cricket balls from people with no other access to medical care.
The council's licensing committee granted Burger King's request to extend its hours.
I’m still getting ower my disappointment about Union Terrace Gardens,which barely looks ony different from the wye it used to be before millions were ploughed into it.
Posing as "Tim", Te Van Nguyen rented a house listed on Gumtree and then used it as the base for his cannabis operation.
Anyone who has had the slightest contact with care services will know that, no matter how dedicated individual staff members might be, things are already stretched almost to breaking point.