Joe is assistant editor of the Press and Journal and Evening Express and particularly enjoys his responsibility for fostering and maintaining good relations with readers. He cut his teeth as a news journalist on a busy weekly newspaper in London before starting a two-decade spell reporting on politics, first in town halls and then for 16 years with the Press Association at Westminster, latterly as chief political correspondent. A keen hiker despite being registered blind, he moved to the north-east in 2016 to join Aberdeen Journals and has taken full advantage of having the coast and the Cairngorms on his doorstep. He's not as funny as he thinks he is, so bear with him...
James Millar: The maths looks bad for Boris – but even worse for everyone else
August 14, 2019
James Johnston: There are no winners in this new world order
August 13, 2019
Lindsay Razaq: Low spirits in the high street risk eroding community and fuelling prejudice
August 13, 2019
Susan Brown: Selfishness makes it easier to attend dreaded medical appointments than make simple changes to benefit all
August 12, 2019
Bishop Anne Dyer: Don’t blame God for the “biblical” weather – we created this crisis all by ourselves
August 8, 2019
Catherine Deveney: In modern America, Liberty’s light shivers precariously in the darkness.
August 8, 2019
Iain Maciver: The best things come to those who wait – the rest are welcome to drink synthetic Scotch
August 7, 2019
Campbell Gunn: What we eat has caused the gull problem – could it be a radical solution too?
August 6, 2019
Lindsay Razaq: Happy or sad, by savouring all life’s moments we keep ourselves grounded
August 6, 2019
David Knight: Faced with a gun, I threw in a grenade – sometimes brinkmanship is best
August 5, 2019
Eleanor Bradford: One series of Love Island was enough for me – but it is not without valuable lessons for younger viewers
August 5, 2019
Jim Hunter: All that glitters is not a golden age
August 2, 2019
Catherine Deveney: Sergeant Rees-Mogg of the vocabulary constabulary is on a mission to use words to divide us
August 2, 2019
When helping hinders: why we must resist the urge to “fix” our friends
August 1, 2019
James Millar: If Scotland is to be the climate emergency saviour, it will take more than pointing fingers at London
July 31, 2019
Lindsay Razaq: Being spellbound by books should be the human right of every child
July 30, 2019
Derek Tucker: My faith is restored in the power of the press – but charities still have a way to go
July 30, 2019
Clive Soley: Brexit is not just about in or out – it is about which direction we stride into the future
July 29, 2019
David Knight: Pity the poor drivers blamed for all the sins of modern cyclists
July 29, 2019
Len Ironside: Summer time, but the living isn’t easy if you want to eat in the sunny evening
July 26, 2019
Catherine Deveney: Feeding prejudice – breast is best and should be celebrated not suppressed
July 26, 2019
Kathleen Robertson: Why I am keeping a close eye on how we keep a close eye on animal disease
July 25, 2019
Caroline Hoole: Time to tear down the walls of paperwork standing between our children and outdoor school trips
July 24, 2019
Iain Maciver: The best gifts are things which can’t be wrapped – or plugged in
July 24, 2019