Joe is assistant editor of the Press and Journal and Evening Express and particularly enjoys his responsibility for fostering and maintaining good relations with readers. He cut his teeth as a news journalist on a busy weekly newspaper in London before starting a two-decade spell reporting on politics, first in town halls and then for 16 years with the Press Association at Westminster, latterly as chief political correspondent. A keen hiker despite being registered blind, he moved to the north-east in 2016 to join Aberdeen Journals and has taken full advantage of having the coast and the Cairngorms on his doorstep. He's not as funny as he thinks he is, so bear with him...
Catherine Deveney: There are bad people and people in bad situations and failing to see the difference is a tragedy
June 28, 2019
Chris Deerin: Once you go slack, there’s no going back – a salutary sartorial lesson for these troubled times
June 27, 2019
Iain Maciver: We got back home safe and dry from Inverness by the seat of our pants
June 26, 2019
Lindsay Razaq: Maternity leave for MPs need not be expensive – but it would be priceless
June 25, 2019
David Ross: Moving jobs here from the central belt would be a good start to slowing population decline
June 25, 2019
James Bream: Jings, crivvens, help ma boab – our senior politicians really must learn some humility
June 24, 2019
David Knight: Speech must be free but we should never be reckless about its cost
June 24, 2019
Dr Miles Mack: GP and PC make a great team, so long as they do not become inseparable
June 21, 2019
Catherine Deveney: Rejoice at 50 years of the Open University – but the fight to dismantle inequality goes on
June 21, 2019
Julie Jones: How physiotherapists can help break the vicious circle of Parkinson’s and exercise
June 20, 2019
James Millar: How long before London’s token interest in Scottish politics comes home to roost?
June 19, 2019
Iain Maciver: When it comes to food that’s out of this world, beef and rocket is hard to beat
June 19, 2019
James Johnston: The problem of thinking in straight lines when life is a tangled knot
June 18, 2019
Lindsay Razaq: There is one thing we can all do to help students’ mental health – molly-coddle them less as children
June 18, 2019
David Knight: If Brexit Britain needs a Churchillian saviour, might Boris just be the man?
June 17, 2019
Catherine Deveney: Stone me, why can’t you see – these toking Tories are blind to injustice and hypocrisy
June 14, 2019
Ben Dolphin: An American in loud cuckoo land is already my highlight of the year
June 14, 2019
Rt Rev Anne Dyer: Thank you to the NHS staff who are stretched like never before but still put people first
June 13, 2019
Iain Maciver: Careful not to get your knickers in a twist about the monster in the swamp
June 12, 2019
Campbell Gunn: Sorry first minister, but the chances of meeting your independence vote timetable look very remote
June 11, 2019
David Knight: Theresa May didn’t fail only on Brexit – just ask the women still fighting to get back their stolen pensions
June 10, 2019
Jim Hunter: Never mind Rees-Mogg or Boris – was it the Earl of Pembroke who really did for Mrs May?
June 7, 2019
Catherine Deveney: What sort of father does Ivanka Trump see when she peers through the Palace curtains?
June 7, 2019
Peter Murchie: Unravelling the rural cancer riddle – does technology hold the key?
June 6, 2019