Joe is assistant editor of the Press and Journal and Evening Express and particularly enjoys his responsibility for fostering and maintaining good relations with readers. He cut his teeth as a news journalist on a busy weekly newspaper in London before starting a two-decade spell reporting on politics, first in town halls and then for 16 years with the Press Association at Westminster, latterly as chief political correspondent. A keen hiker despite being registered blind, he moved to the north-east in 2016 to join Aberdeen Journals and has taken full advantage of having the coast and the Cairngorms on his doorstep. He's not as funny as he thinks he is, so bear with him...
Iain Maciver: With my crumpled shirts and bowl cuts, this is like being back in the 1970s
April 1, 2020
David Knight: There is no tea in panic – just add biscuits for a British way of coping with any crisis
March 16, 2020
Eleanor Bradford: Our best hope is that politicians prove humble enough to keep listening to the virus experts
March 16, 2020
Jim Hunter: If Sutherland feels no more listened to than during the Clearances – MSPs must seize this chance to put it right
March 13, 2020
Catherine Deveney: There is another – bigger and more shocking – pandemic that should have got billions in the Budget
March 13, 2020
Kathleen Robertson: Fill up on the joys of spring – but not at the expense of the animals
March 12, 2020
Derek Tucker: Who is to blame if this virus causes more harm than it should? The stupid, the selfish and the greedy
March 10, 2020
Chris Deerin: With age comes the unexpected wisdom that Stock, Aitken and Waterman were not all bad
March 5, 2020
David Ross: Red tape may be a burden but it can be all that separates life from death
March 2, 2020
David Knight: Military history is filled with doomed commanders who over-extended lines
March 2, 2020
Anne Dyer: I want to ‘say yes to less’ – but I need help
February 27, 2020
Ben Dolphin: Whistle while you walk – how my eyes have been opened to the true spirit of the Ramblers
February 25, 2020
Catherine Deveney: The political response to Harry Dunn’s death is inadequate, inappropriate and intolerable
February 21, 2020
Iain Maciver: Facebook is like a fridge – you know there’s nothing new there but you check every 10 minutes just in case
February 19, 2020
Eleanor Bradford: Not everyone’s favourite Auntie right now, but the BBC is still an important part of the family
February 17, 2020
David Knight: In the modern court of public opinion there is simply no time to prepare a defence
February 17, 2020
Jim Hunter: Nationalists will understandable seize on the Arbroath Declaration anniversary – but its significance goes way beyond that
February 14, 2020
Len Ironside: On the map of long-term transport policy, all roads seem to lead to the valley of indecision
February 13, 2020
James Millar: When the PM shuffles his deck, expect the Jacks and the Kings to come out on top – again
February 12, 2020
Lindsay Razaq: We all have our baggage – so think before you go off your trolley at someone
February 11, 2020
David Knight: Losing the battle but winning over the Waugh – a lesson in criminal interview behaviour
February 10, 2020
Professor George Boyne: Founder’s legacy mean it is back to the future for our university
February 10, 2020
Anne Bennie: New justice centre for the north is a step in the right direction
February 7, 2020
Lindsay Razaq: Being the best parent you can isn’t about martyrdom or control freakery
February 4, 2020