Joe is assistant editor of the Press and Journal and Evening Express and particularly enjoys his responsibility for fostering and maintaining good relations with readers. He cut his teeth as a news journalist on a busy weekly newspaper in London before starting a two-decade spell reporting on politics, first in town halls and then for 16 years with the Press Association at Westminster, latterly as chief political correspondent. A keen hiker despite being registered blind, he moved to the north-east in 2016 to join Aberdeen Journals and has taken full advantage of having the coast and the Cairngorms on his doorstep. He's not as funny as he thinks he is, so bear with him...
David Knight: Children on flights send you flipping mad? Spare a thought for the poor parents
December 30, 2019
Catherine Deveney: Is there any judgment quite so self-righteously vicious as religious judgment?
December 27, 2019
Ben Dolphin: If it really is the thought that counts – then think about getting out for a walk with a smile on your face
December 27, 2019
Bishop Anne Dyer: Living like kings this Christmas? Don’t forget those who are not so fortunate
December 26, 2019
Iain Maciver: Here’s one I prepared earlier – oh for the days when Christmas meant making something from nothing
December 24, 2019
Campbell Gunn: Pause to remember this hell on earth when you sing of peace and goodwill toward men
December 24, 2019
David Knight: It is time for another referendum on independence – oh no it isn’t
December 23, 2019
Eleanor Bradford: This Christmas, cherish the greatest gift that you possess – happiness
December 23, 2019
Jim Hunter: There have been very few truly epoch-making general elections – but this may yet turn out to be one of them
December 20, 2019
Catherine Deveney: A turkey leg nailed to a wall with tinsel is my Christmas present to the PM
December 20, 2019
Callum Whyte: Primrose has a thing or two to teach my grandmother about when it is safe to eat shellfish
December 19, 2019
Chris Deerin: Posh hotels do lack life – give me Fawlty Towers any day
December 13, 2019
Flora Douglas: Financial health must become part of routine medical checks if we are to cure food poverty
December 13, 2019
Catherine Deveney: Colour does not matter in adoption, unless it is the pink of paper hearts
December 13, 2019
Iain Maciver: I can count on vengeful sheep to give me a painful sleepless night
December 4, 2019
James Millar: This is supposed to be a Brexit election – but meaningful debate of the issue is awfully thin on the ground
December 4, 2019
Calum Ross: There is only one predictable result at this general election – local councils will be the losers
December 3, 2019
Lindsay Razaq: This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give my thoughts to everything special about the NHS
December 3, 2019
Susan Brown: Never mind chocolates, perfume or gin – this Advent try opening the door to random acts of Christmas kindness
December 2, 2019
David Knight: Revamped art gallery provides plenty of food for thought – and not just in the cafe
December 2, 2019
Catherine Deveney: When you really want to understand what is wrong – write
November 29, 2019
Iain Maciver: Election promises to make us all healthier are just the tonic – unfortunately
November 27, 2019
Campbell Gunn: I like to let the train take the strain – but HS2 is too big a burden
November 26, 2019
Lindsay Razaq: Captivated animals – the positive impact of humans’ fascination with zoos should not be overlooked
November 26, 2019