A keen Marvel fan has watched Avengers: Infinity War 42 times.
Tony “Nem” Mitchell’s remarkable journey, which he chronicled with pictures from start to finish, has been shared online thousands of times.
6th day watching #InfinityWar pic.twitter.com/65gaweeLdx
— Nem: The Infinity Watcher (@NemRaps) May 2, 2018
“I had already seen the film four times in the first three days, and I just decided to keep watching it,” Tony, from Charlotte, North Carolina, explained to the Press Association.
“Pretty soon it became habitual to watch it daily. Sometimes twice in one day.”
24th time watching #InfinityWar Think ill see the movie twice today! 😀 pic.twitter.com/aZw6ig0nCM
— Nem: The Infinity Watcher (@NemRaps) May 22, 2018
Infinity War is the third Avengers film, featuring fan favourites such as Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, and smashed box office records after its release in April.
The father of three says his love for the film stems from growing up reading the comic books on which the film is based, adding: “A bit of nostalgia kicked in when Thanos first hit the screen.”

He said: “I’ve been waiting for this movie to come out ever since 2012 when everyone first saw Thanos in the post-credit scene of the first Avengers movie,” said Tony.
“Infinity War, to me, is a cinematic masterpiece. The acting, the settings, and fight scenes, the score – all absolutely amazing.
“The movie is so enthralling, you stay on the edge of your seat the entire time.”
Aww, you thought I was done. 31st time watching #InfinityWar pic.twitter.com/q3ifoVpPE5
— Nem: The Infinity Watcher (@NemRaps) May 28, 2018
Though unconfirmed, the full-time YouTuber and musician believes he holds the world record for seeing the same movie at the cinema during its theatrical release.
“The message I’d like to share is, if you want to do something, no matter how weird or unusual it may seem, if it brings you happiness, by all means do it,” Tony added.
“Don’t let things get in the way of your own personal joy. Your life will be so much better.”
Wearing a series of different Marvel T-shirts, Tony concluded his adventure on a Douglas Adams-inspired 42 viewings.
The answer to life, the universe and everything. 42nd time watching #InfinityWar pic.twitter.com/MmHH96chlh
— Nem: The Infinity Watcher (@NemRaps) June 6, 2018
“Will I watch it again?” said Tony. “I’ve already pre-ordered the tickets for tomorrow.
“I have no plans on stopping until it comes out on blu-ray. Then I will have a room in my house set up where it just plays continuously 24/7.
“Haha just joking. Am I though?”
Is he?
Someone get this man to the Avengers 4 premiere. @Russo_Brothers https://t.co/OMFRZQJZz4
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) June 6, 2018
This man is infinitely my moviegoing hero! #infinitywar #InfinityGauntlet #marvel https://t.co/vqzAwrXnRy
— Stuart Conover (@StuartConover) June 6, 2018
If you’d like to keep up to date with what Tony’s up to, check out his YouTube channel.