Rose McGowan has dismissed Maureen Lipman’s assertion that some women are not helping the MeToo cause by sending out “confusing” messages.
Lipman, 72, had told Radio Times magazine: “We’re batting our eyelids and clenching our teeth at the same time. And that is very confusing.”
The actress, who will appear in a new role in Coronation Street this month, said that some female celebrities were sending out mixed messages, with “all this bondage clothing – dressed a bit like a prostitute would have dressed” – on catwalks and red carpets.

McGowan, 44, a force behind the MeToo movement, told Good Morning Britain: “I’ve heard that same argument for what, 5,000 million years now.
“MeToo is not just for women…..I’ve had so many men share their stories of abuse with men… Let people breathe and have their voice.”
And she added: “If I feel like walking down the street naked, nobody has the right to rape me…. Everybody has a sovereign right to their body.”
Lipman, while approving of the progress that has been made in empowering victims of abuse to come forward, had said: Young female pop stars today, for example, are saying: ‘It’s my body, and I’m empowered to show it to you.’
“But then: ‘Don’t touch it, don’t come near it, don’t flirt with it.’ And that is a bit of a shame because flirting is some of the best fun you’ve ever had in your life.”
McGowan said that the last few years had “taken a toll”, saying. “I do sometimes fear for my health in the long term, the stress levels.”