The biggest films at the UK box office last year were all franchises or remakes, new figures show, with not a stand-alone movie to be seen.
Avengers: Endgame was the number one film of 2019, taking a massive £88.7 million in cinemas.
In second place was The Lion King (£76.0 million) followed by Toy Story 4 (£66.2 million) and Joker (£58.0 million).
The latest Star Wars film, The Rise Of Skywalker, failed to perform as well as previous instalments of the sci-fi series, taking £54.9 million, enough to put it in fifth place.
Every film in the top 10 was either a sequel, part of a franchise, or a reworking of an existing movie.

In sixth place was Frozen 2, followed by Captain Marvel, Aladdin, Spider-Man: Far From Home and Jumanji: The Next Level.
Seven of the top 10 were distributed by Disney, including chart-topper Avengers: Endgame.
The figures, which include the box office for Ireland as well as the UK, were compiled by the British Film Institute.
They show that the biggest stand-alone film was Rocketman, which finished just outside the top 10 at number 13 and took £23.4 million.
Downton Abbey was the highest grossing independent UK film of 2019, with takings of £28.2 million.
Overall UK cinema admissions in 2019 were 176 million, the second highest level since 1970 and down slightly (0.6%) on 2018.