Stanley Tucci, Aaron Paul and Kristen Bell have appeared in a video in which they pledge to take responsibility for their role in “eradicating racism” in America.
The video also features stars including Justin Theroux, Mark Duplass and Julianne Moore.
In the clip, which was posted on social media, the celebrities all read out sections of an anti-racism message about combating intolerance and hate.
Actor Tucci, who shared the video on Instagram, wrote: “We cannot sit idly by as racism continues to permeate society.
“Every white human being must take responsibility and hold themselves accountable.
“Today, #ITakeResponsibility to help turn the tide of systemic racism.”
(Isabel Infantes/PA)
In the video, Moore said that “black people are being slaughtered in the streets”, adding: “These are our brothers and sisters.”
At the end of the video, the stars say that they “stand against hate.”
The video comes after Black Lives Matter protests have taken place around the world following the death of unarmed black man George Floyd in the US after a police officer knelt on his neck.
Stanley Tucci, Aaron Paul and Kristen Bell appear in anti-racism video