George Clooney frantically tries to communicate with a fleet of astronauts in the first trailer for his new film The Midnight Sky.
The actor stars in and directs the post-apocalyptic tale about a lone scientist’s race to stop the crew returning to an uninhabitable earth.
Clooney plays heavily bearded Augustine, a lonely scientist in the Arctic, as he races to stop Sully, played by Felicity Jones, and her fellow astronauts from returning home to a mysterious global catastrophe.
The trailer shows Clooney trying to contact the spaceship Aether from Barbeau Observatory, where he is accompanied by a little girl.
It also shows Jones aboard Aether, trying to make contact with people back on earth.
She tells crew mates played by David Oyelowo and Kyle Chandler: “We’re not receiving anything.”

The trailer also shows Clooney and the little girl suiting up to travel to another stronger antenna, that will allow them to communicate with the spaceship.
He also hints at the disaster that has happened that has made the earth uninhabitable, saying: “I don’t know all the details, it started with a mistake.”
The film is an adaptation of Lily Brooks-Dalton’s acclaimed novel Good Morning, Midnight.
The novel explores themes of isolation and community and is described as the “story of two outsiders grappling with love, sacrifice, and regret at the end of the world.”
The Midnight Sky will be in select UK cinemas this December and on Netflix from December 23.