Any debate about a cover song which is better than the original gravitates towards two artists – Jeff Buckley and Sinead O’Connor.
But what about if those musicians were benched for the discussion.
That’s the caveat journalist Josh Greenman weaved into his tweet calling for people to “name a cover that’s better than the original”.
Name a cover that's better than the original, and you're not allowed to mention Jeff Buckley or Sinead O'Connor.
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) August 2, 2018
All of a sudden you’ve got Johnny Cash, Bjork, Amy Winehouse, The Lemonheads and Joe Cocker being nominated for the honour.
Tainted Love by Soft Cell, obviously.
— Stephen Bush (@stephenkb) August 3, 2018
Johnny Cash's Hurt is breathtaking. I may be biased because I love all things Johnny but theres just so much more pain and emotion in his version than in the NIN version.
— Frizz – Space Force Commander of the SSV Normandy. (@bringonthesong) August 3, 2018
Indigo Girls cover of Dire Straits’ Romeo & Juliet
— Josh Anderson (@anderson_j) August 3, 2018
The Hendrix version of All Along the Watchtower.
— Maudie Stokes (@MaudieStokes43) August 3, 2018
Van Halen, “You Really Got Me.” @GregRenoff
— Jack Dynamite (@bigjackash) August 3, 2018
No disrespect to Simon and Garfunkel, but Disturbed’s Sound of Silence is eery and incredible.
— Jacob Messing (@Jacob_Messing) August 3, 2018
Baker Street by Foo Fighters. It also has the distinction of being the least-known best cover ever.
— Paul Vigna (@paulvigna) August 2, 2018
Some people were aware that their lyrical pick was going to set them up for a barrage of questioning.
Alien Ant Farm – Smooth Criminal
*ducks incoming fire*
— Ruth Davidson (@RuthDavidsonMSP) August 3, 2018
As a Beatles freak I know this is sacrilege, but Joe Cocker’s ‘With a Little Help from My Friends.’
— shauna (@goldengateblond) August 3, 2018
Radiohead's cover of Joy Division's 'Ceremony.' @mikeshara is gonna kill me for that, but the song needs to be faster & more aggressive, and Thom Yorke saw that.
— Scott Terrio (@ScottTerrioHMA) August 3, 2018
I’m afraid to list all my favorite Glee songs because I don’t want a mob in my mentions but Glee outsold several times and that’s the truth…
— Calvin (@calvinstowell) August 3, 2018
Curiously many people were discovering that some of their favourite tracks were covers in the first place.
I’m hugely intrigued by covers. Have been since I found out that Tiffany’s I Think We’re Alone Now wasn’t original (mid-90s – yes took me ten years). #mind #blown
— Jason Waller (@JasonMWaller) August 3, 2018
It was what???😲
— Deebee Daydreamer (@DeebeeInTheSky) August 3, 2018
…which I did not know was a cover until about 10 years after that TH album first came out. Ah, youth. #smh
— Denis Haskin (@ConstantOrbit) August 3, 2018
Marvin Gaye's I heard it through the grapevine.
(Ah you didn't you know it was a cover of Gladys Knight and the Pips!)
— manu saadia 🖖 (@trekonomics) August 3, 2018
Meanwhile, there was a side debate about Whitney Houston’s take on Dolly Parton’s I Will Always Love You.
NO! She ruined Dolly's version.
— Marion McLean (@MarionIMcLean) August 3, 2018
Dolly Parton even said she liked Whitney singing her song. 😊
— . (@DucksInnaRow) August 3, 2018
She said she loved it cause it made her so much more money.🤣🤣 I like her style.
— Deebee Daydreamer (@DeebeeInTheSky) August 3, 2018
Some uber-fans were championing their artist of choice as nailing any song they performed and making it better than the original.
ill be there by mariah careywithout you by mariah careyopen arms by mariah careythe beautiful ones by mariah careyagainst all odds by mariah careybring on the heartbreak by mariah careyi wanna know what love is by mariah careyone more try by mariah carey
— 💋 (@chaserojo) August 3, 2018
Kylie – The Locomotion Kylie – There Must Be An AngelKylie – CopacabanaKylie – HelpKylie – Tears On My Pillow Kylie – CelebrationKylie – Love Is The DrugKylie – Give Me Just A Little More TimeKylie – Bette Davis EyesKylie – Night FeverKylie – Need You Tonight
— Dame Lady Jaz OBE (@ladyjazmana) August 3, 2018
Essentially it came down to two choices, and this guy nailed the consensus in one tweet.
Hendrix, all along the watchtower, and its not remotely close. My runner up is hurt by johnny cash
— 27 Days (@HodgeUMah) August 3, 2018
We now need a Twitter world cup of cover songs to make it official – here’s looking at you Richard Osman.