BBC Radio 1 DJ Adele Roberts has said being diagnosed with bowel cancer has brought her and fiancee Kate Holderness closer together.
The 43-year-old presenter revealed in October she was undergoing treatment and later had a tumour removed through surgery.
She now uses a stoma bag, which attaches to her abdomen and collects her faeces, and has also been undergoing chemotherapy.

She told Hello! magazine: “It sounds strange but it’s brought us closer than ever.
“I’ve always loved Kate but since my diagnosis I’ve seen a different side to her. She’s my counsellor, my mentor and the best nurse ever.
“She helped me when I could barely walk and had to shuffle into work at Radio 1. She’s my absolute hero.”
Holderness said: “I’ve always been a timid person but Adele’s illness has unleashed a strength in me I never knew I had.”
Roberts received her diagnosis on October 1 2021.
Reflecting on that day, she said: “After a scan, the doctor broke the bad news. My first question was: ‘Am I going to die – and is it my fault?’
“I felt bad for putting Kate and my family through that, but now I know that getting cancer is nobody’s fault, and that sadly it will happen to one in two of us.”
Holderness added: “I was devastated. But I held back the tears because I didn’t want her to think that I thought she wouldn’t beat it.
“So I went into practical mode, writing down everything the doctor said.”
Read the full interview in Hello! magazine, out now.