Evan Rachel Wood shut down a Twitter user who criticised her acting on Westworld, saying: “I am just gonna keep doing what I’m doing because its working out pretty good for me.”
The person posted a message suggesting the actress, who plays robot Dolores in the sci-fi Western, had only mastered two emotions on screen.
But Wood snapped back with a series of tweets of her own, pointing out all the challenges of shooting the programme.
The viewer said: “Why is Dolores still the only “robot” on #Westworld without a personality? Oh. I know why. It’s because @evanrachelwood can’t actually act anything but 2 emotions.”
Why is Dolores still the only "robot" on #Westworld without a personality? Oh. I know why. It's because @evanrachelwood can't actually act anything but 2 emotions.
— Moraresu Tsuki 655321 (@galletacubano) April 30, 2018
The actress, whose character is the victim of assault and violence on the show, replied: “Hmm.
“Maybe you should put on the corset in 113 degree weather, spend time away from your family, risk your life on horse-back, cry at the drop of a hat and relive your traumas over and over and over, be dragged and beaten till all hours of the night, sacrifice your childhood to work and take acting classes 5 times a week, and work your entire life fighting through criticism and sexism to make it on this show, THEN show me how its done.”
She added: “Oh and while you’re at it, take off all your clothes and sit here for 6 hours in perfect posture too.”
Wood concluded by sharing a video clip of her character galloping off on a horse, writing: “So I am just gonna keep doing what I’m doing because its working out pretty good for me and I thoroughly enjoy it.
The tweets appear to have since been deleted.