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Expert Rob Gardner makes growing money simple!
For the first time in Aberdeen, Rob will discuss his background at the Gary Walker Wealth Management Business Breakfast and put into context the factors that drive his approach to investing.
Co-founder of one of the UK’s leading investment consultancies, Redington, and Director of Investment Management at St. James’s Place Wealth Management, in the past few years Rob has transformed the way many people think about money and future financial planning.
His mantra of “earn it, keep it, grow it” is one that he swears by and his passion for financial education has led to him authoring a children’s book that encourages saving. Research suggests that our money-saving habits are formed by the age of seven, which is why it is so critical that parents and schools help educate children about money as early as possible.
For this very reason, Rob set up RedSTART in 2012, a platform designed to teach young people about money from an early age. Financial education previously wasn’t on the school syllabus but this is something that Rob and the team at RedSTART have been able to introduce.
There is a 50 per cent chance a child born today will live to 100. We need to teach children about how money works and how to use it as a force for good in the world. As parents, we can help children now.
Investing £5 a day in a child’s pension between birth and their 10th birthday will mean the child is likely to have £1 million by the time they retire. This is possible through the power of compounding.
However, only 10,000 out of 11 million children in the UK have a pension and this needs to change.
The World Economic Forum says the average person will now run out of money 10 years before they die. Therefore, at a young age, we should be thinking with the end in mind and investing in a pension.
This will prevent the panic of decumulation in which an investor is drawing an income from a retirement pot and there is no longer a monthly paycheck.
Money can often be a taboo subject and difficult for people to talk about, but when you hear Rob break this down to simplistic terms he states: “If you know what you want and plan ahead…it’s really just a subtle change in mindset.”
Passing this advice down to children and grandchildren can also impact them in a large way as it can be the choices we make in our 20s that really matter and impact how we lives our lives in our 30s, 40s and beyond.
As someone who is motivated to help everyone become more financially secure, Rob places a big spotlight on sustainable investment. Having originally studied Glaciology, Rob was born in the Netherlands which is below sea level.
Due to its geography, the Netherlands has been forward thinking when it comes to climate change and this has shaped Rob’s view that wealth and prosperity is only useful in a world worth living in.
With the first glacier having died recently, Rob is a keen advocate that these warning signs are a call to action that cannot be ignored.
He explains how investing your pension fund or ISA in a sustainable way that can have 27 times the impact of reducing your carbon footprint than if you fly less, eat less red meat or cycle more.
Rob Gardner motivates, inspires and leaves you with food for thought when it comes to your own finances.