Skills body Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) North East has expanded its team of employer co-ordinators at secondary schools across the region.
Six additional recruits have joined the eight school co-ordinators who started with the DYW North East team in January, to help provide enhanced on-the-ground support to all 32 secondary schools.
The team will be based in the schools – when access is permitted within the current Covid-19 guidelines – and will work with head teachers, the school’s designated DYW leads, SDS Careers Advisors and other partners to ensure a ‘no wrong door’ approach for young people.
Mary Holland, director of DYW NE, said: “Young people are among the hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis with unemployment numbers for 16-24 year-olds potentially exceeding those that peaked during the 2008 financial crisis.
“The new additions to the team will allow DYW to add further value to both educators and the business community but, most significantly, to ensure young people are given the maximum support and opportunity available to them in order to continue into fulfilling careers.”
Young people are among the hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis with unemployment numbers for 16-24 year olds potentially exceeding those that peaked during the 2008 financial crisis.”
Mary Holland, DYW NE director
DYW aims to bridge the gap between employers and education to help ensure positive career opportunities for young people.
Programme increases career opportunities
The programme focuses on implementing employer engagement which increases pupils’ career awareness, skills development and career opportunities.
The expanded team will action requests for employer input from partners and work with the schools to enhance employer engagement in the curriculum and make sure any young person identified as requiring additional employers intervention is supported.
Investment in the employer school coordinators is part of the Scottish Government’s response to the economic recovery from Covid-19 and delivery of the Young Person’s Guarantee.
The Young Person’s Guarantee was launched in November and aims to give all young people the chance a positive destination through the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, further education, training or volunteering.