PICTURES: Gigantic North Sea oil towhead causes traffic chaos
A MASSIVE North Sea oil towhead got held up yesterday on the last lap of its journey to its float out base at Wester in Caithness.
The sticking point – a street standard lamp. The towhead had little or no difficulty negotiating some of the streets including the steep brae at Scalesburn, Wick, after being landed there by a barge.
But when it was turning from Girnigoe Street to Henrietta Street, one of the front ends of the towhead – ironically named Catcher – came up against the lamp head.
But you can’t hold back 240 tonnes of towhead steel for long and an hydraulic hoist was brought, to elevate two workers to lamp-level.
One of them removed some of the lamp’s fittings to allow it to be swung clear giving the towhead the green light to proceed on its six-mile trip to Subsea 7’s fabrication yard.
The towhead will be hooked up to lengthy pipe lines and in due course, towed to a Premier Oil field. in the North Sea where it will be used to house communications and power connections.
PICTURES: Gigantic North Sea oil towhead causes traffic chaos