OGUK Conference 2016: Halliburton spent £15,000 a year renting pot plants
ByMark Lammey
Halliburton House in Dyce.
Halliburton was spending £15,000 a year renting pot plants before the oil price downturn forced the energy service company to rethink its frivolous ways.
Bill Hunter, Halliburton’s Aberdeen-based UK cementing manager, said the company has learned its lesson and is now squeezing the pennies.
“We are looking at little things. For some reason we were renting plants for £15,000 a year,” Mr Hunter said during a panel discussion on cost efficiency at the Oil and Gas UK annual conference.
For the full story visit our sister site Energy Voice.
OGUK Conference 2016: Halliburton spent £15,000 a year renting pot plants