Aberdeen-Angus enthusiasts from across Scotland and further afield will gather at Thainstone next month for the 17th annual Black Beauty Bonanza.
Entries are now open for the competition, which takes place on the afternoon of Friday November 18.
Organised by the North East Aberdeen-Angus Club, the fixture is recognised as one of the leading Aberdeen-Angus shows in the country.
This year’s competition, which is open to entries for yearlings and calves, will once more be sponsored by Glenrinnes Estates of Dufftown.
North East Aberdeen-Angus Club secretary, Janelle Anderson, said: “The Black Beauty Bonanza has proved a tremendous showcase for the Aberdeen-Angus breed in previous years and it is hoped that all club members with pedigree cattle will participate to further enhance the event’s well-earned reputation as the premier show of Aberdeen-Angus in the UK.
“A special welcome is extended to breeders from all other parts of the United Kingdom. Please note that all exhibitors must be fully paid up members of the North East and Highland clubs. This can be done at time of entry to the competition.”
The main judge for this year’s competition is well-known primestock procurement manager with AK Stoddar and partner in the Kersquarter Aberdeen-Angus herd, Jim Ford, from Kelso.
The junior showmanship competition will be judged by George McFadzean, Woodhead of Mailer, Perth.
All pedigree cattle entered into the competition will be catalogued in order of age and classes will be split to ensure no more than 10 entries per class.
There will also be a special class for smaller herds, comprises the highest placed animals in both calf and yearling classes from exhibitors with no more than 15 cows within the North East club area.
In addition, a showmanship competition will be held with two sections – one for juniors aged between eight and 17 and one for seniors aged between 18 and 26.
The competition will also include two new commercial classes – one for heifers and one for steers up to a year old, which have been sired by a registered Aberdeen-Angus bull. Both pure and cross cattle are permitted to enter.
Entries must be submitted no later than Monday October 31. Forms are available from Ms Anderson by calling 07974449806 or sending an email to aa.in.nescotland@gmail.com.