Crofters will benefit from an extra £600,000 in funding through the government’s croft house grant scheme.
Rural Economy Secretary, Fergus Ewing, said the additional funding would bring the scheme’s total budget for 2017/18 to £2million.
Speaking at the annual gathering of the Scottish Crofting Federation in Wester Ross, Mr Ewing also announced a review of the croft house grant scheme requirements.
He said he wanted to ensure there were no unnecessary barriers and that the grant continued to target support at those most in need.
“The new croft house grant has proved a very successful and popular scheme in its first year,” said Mr Ewing,
“Due to the scheme’s high demand and our commitment to continue to fund crofter housing in our rural areas, I have announced additional funding of £600,000 in 2017/18 to help crofters build or improve more homes.
“I welcome the opportunity to make this announcement at the Scottish Crofting Federation Annual Gathering, together with my intention to carry out a review to ensure we continue to target support at those who need it most.”
Ewing unveils £600,000 funding boost for croft house grant scheme