Funding is available for 15 places in the Highlands and islands.
A long-established rural training programme will be offered to farmers, crofters and rural business owners in the Highlands and islands for the first time this year.
The Rural Leadership Programme, which is delivered by SAC Consulting on behalf of Scottish Enterprise, was not previously available in the region due to a lack of funding support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
However the quango has now decided to fund the scheme and 15 places are up for grabs in the Highlands and islands.
Siobhan Macdonald from SAC Consulting urged farmers and crofters to come along to an open meeting to find out more.
The meeting takes place on Monday June 26 at the Glenmhor Hotel in Inverness from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
The Rural Leadership Scheme, which runs from October to March, aims to help people running small to medium rural businesses develop leadership capabilities and grow their businesses.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise agrees to fund Rural Leadership Programme