Royal Highland Show: Holstein lifts dairy championship
ByErika Hay
A dairy beast heads for judging in the ring.
Dairy cattle took centre stage at the Royal Highland Show yesterday with the breed judging culminating in the interbreed championship which was won by a Holstein cow.
Robert and Elaine Butterfield’s third calver, Newbirks Jazz from their Linghaw Farm near Lancaster, calved in April and is yielding 63 litres per day. In her last lactation she gave 13,400 litres.
Bought as a heifer in-milk, she was champion at the Great Yorkshire Show last year and came second in Europe at the European Champions show.
Reserve interbreed was the Ayrshire from first time Highland exhibitor, Mungo Bryson, Whiteflat, Mauchline.
Changue Martha, a fifth calver, is one of only five Ayrshires in the herd of 185 milkers at Whiteflat and Mungo nearly did not bring her to the show as he felt, at 250 days calved, she was past her best. She was champion at Dairy Expo at Carlisle and reserve at Agriscot and Ayr. She is projected to more than 11,000 litres this lactation.
Royal Highland Show: Holstein lifts dairy championship