Jakob Eunson won the agriculture category last year.
Lantra Scotland has issued a final plea for nominations for its Land-based and Aquaculture Learner of the Year Awards.
The closing date for nominations for this year’s awards is Friday, November 10.
“Judges on our independent panel take their role very seriously and so want to ensure that they have enough time put aside to look at all the award entries carefully,” said Lantra Scotland director Kevin Patrick.
“Our awards ceremony is in March 2018, and so we need the nominations in November for shortlisting.”
He said being nominated for an award was a great achievement, providing learners with confidence and self-belief, even if they do not go on to win the accolade.
“Finalists and winners on the night get even more from it, and we are always delighted to see what effect there is on the development of up-and-coming talent in the land-based and aquaculture industries,” added Mr Patrick.