Texel gimmer is Royal Highland Show interbreed champion
ByNancy Nicolson
The sheep interbreed championship went to a Texel gimmer.
The sheep interbreed championship at this year’s Royal Highland Show was awarded to the Texel gimmer from Brian MacTaggart, of Douganhill Farms, Castle Douglas.
The estate, which runs 150 Texels, chalked up its first Highland interbreed award after a long gap from showing at the event.
Shown by Brian’s son David, this daughter of the 70,000gns Teiglum Young Gun had stood champion at Dumfries as a ewe lamb.
In reserve interbreed place was a park Cheviot named Victoria, from Borders breeder Willie Thomson, who runs 500 park and 900 hill Cheviots at Hownam Grange, Kelso.
His winner was a home-bred two-crop ewe by Wandylaw Scrumpy Jack.
She is no stranger to trophies after winning the Scottish national as a gimmer two years ago and taking the champion of champions prize at Wooler, and a female champion at the Great Yorkshire in 2018.
Sheep judge Archie MacGregor described his champions as having “a wee bit extra character which made all the difference between good sheep and exceptionally good ones”.
Texel gimmer is Royal Highland Show interbreed champion