First tranche of farm support payments said to be under way
ByColin Ley
Fergus Ewing. Image: Supplied.
The first tranche of 2019 Basic Payment, Greening and Young Farmer payments is under way, according to the Scottish Government.
It said its payment schedule is running one month ahead of last year.
“Our rural economy is on the front line of the potential impacts of Brexit, which is why this government is doing all it can, within our powers, to support rural businesses and communities,” said Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing.
The current pay-out follows on from last October’s Scottish Government-backed offer which made 95% of all payments available to the country’s farmers, crofters and land managers on a loan basis.
With around 75% of eligible claimants having already used the loan to access payments totalling £334 million, the current pay-out is effectively a final balance operation.
Mr Ewing added, however, that the 25% of eligible claimants who choose not to accept a loan will be prioritised in the current payment run.
First tranche of farm support payments said to be under way