Strict Covid-19 guidelines to remain at livestock marts
ByGemma Mackenzie
IAAS is urging farmers to follow all Covid-19 guidelines at auction marts.
Strict Covid-19 guidelines will remain in place at auction marts despite the easing of lockdown measures by the Scottish Government.
The Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers of Scotland (IAAS) has issued a reminder that rules introduced at the beginning of the pandemic must still be followed.
These include a requirement for farmers and hauliers to leave the mart once dropping off stock for sale and for buyers to register their attendance in advance of a sale and confirm they have not been in contact with a positive Covid-19 case in the previous fortnight.
“Our Covid-19 operating guidelines have not changed,” said IAAS executive director, Neil Wilson.
“It’s vitally important that everyone stays well and fit and that we can continue to keep the marts operating as a hub to buy, sell and meet – albeit at a social distance.”
He said the only change to guidelines was a move to allow buyers over the age of 70 to attend sales and for market canteens to start offering a takeaway service.
Strict Covid-19 guidelines to remain at livestock marts