Neonicotinoid was used in seed dressing for oilseed rape
Scottish growers will have year-round access to a pair of neonicitinoids for use on oilseed rape crops.
Last week, UK farm ministry Defra granted Certis a 120-day extensions for the use of InSyst against cabbage stem flea beetle in oilseed rape, while Bayer CropScience was granted approval for year-round use of its Biscaya product against aphids.
The Scottish Government confirmed that the approvals were UK-wide and the two products would be available to Scots farmers.
Farm minister Richard Lochhead said: “Both these products have been available to farmers across the UK, including Scotland, since 2007 to spray once on oilseed rape in the spring/summer to help combat damage caused by pollen beetle.
“Oilseed rape can now also be sprayed once in the autumn to help control aphid damage and cabbage stem flea beetle.”
He said neither substance was included in the EU regulations on neonicotinoids, which were introduced in 2013.
“The use of these two neonicotinoids are considered acceptable for bees, which only forage on oilseed rape when it is flowering and so are not at risk once in the autumn when flowering has finished,” added Mr Lochhead.
Scottish growers granted year-round use of oilseed rape insecticides