A quality show of cattle was forward at the Angus Tayside District Association of Young Farmers Clubs’ overwintering competition.
The annual event, held over the weekend at Lawrie and Symington’s Forfar Mart, attracted 22 entries from the next generation of farmers in the local area.
From the Young Farmers offering, bullocks cashed in to average 326p per kg and heifers levelled at 354p per kg.
Andrew Adam from Newhouse of Glamis, Forfar, ruled supreme with his home-bred pure Limousin heifer tapped out by the judge, Aiden Carroll from Aucharroch.
Backing his decision, Mr Carroll purchased the 558kg heifer named Dance Monkey, by Ampertaine Opportunity, for the top price of £2,900.
The reserve honours went to the male champion from Strathmore JAC member, Ruby Simpson of Mains of Creuchies, Alyth, Blairgowrie.
This was with a 534kg British Blue cross bullock which sold the following day for £2,500 to B and S Scott, Odmoston Farm, Laurencekirk.
Alongside the Young Farmers’ competition, the firm held its first show and sale of store cattle, sponsored by Alexander Gauld Haulage and Harbro.
Judged the following day by Aiden’s father, Gordon, the overall champion went to Charlie Simpson and family, Mains of Creuchies, Alyth.
This was a 382kg Limousin cross heifer which Mr Carroll purchased for £2,700 or 706p per kg.
The reserve champion went to a 438kg Limousin cross heifer from Rory Hood, Middlehill Farm, Glen Cova, Kirriemuir, which later sold for £1,900.
In total, Lawrie and Symington sold 413 head of cattle and out with the Young Farmers calves, 195 bullocks levelled at 314.94p per kg and 196 heifers cashed in at 304.97p.
Young Farmers overwintering – Bullock haltered – 1, Peter Richardson, Forfar 558kg £1690; 2, Andrew Beattie, Forfar 554kg £1540. Bullock haltered – 1, male champion and reserve overall champion, Ruby Simpson Strathmore 534kg, £2500; 2, Ashleigh Nelson, Brechin 500kg £1640; 3, Lyndsay Nelson, Brechin 496 kg £1530. Bullock unhaltered – 1, Anna Graham, Brechin 560kg £1840; 2, Charlie Simpson, Strathmore 642kg £1840; 3, Sarah Allison, Brechin 570 kg £1840. Heifer haltered – 1, female champion and overall, Andrew Adam, Forfar 558 kg £2900; 2, Robbie Wills, Forfar 520 kg £1640; 3, James Adam, Forfar 576 kg £1820. Heifer haltered – 1, Andrew Adam, Forfar 532 kg £1900; 2, Edward Scott, Forfar 430 kg £1300; 3, Sandi Airth, Mearns 414 kg £1420. Heifer haltered – 1, Lyndsay Nelson, Brechin 434 kg £1500; 2, Alistair McCarthy Forfar 376 kg £1480; 3, James Adam, Forfar 400 kg £1440. Heifer unhaltered – 1, Anna Graham, Brechin 468 kg £1700; 2, Robbie Wills, Forfar 518 kg £1430. Best halter trained – Edward Scott, Forfar YF. Best turned out – Lyndsey Nelson, Brechin YF. Best DLWG – Charlie Simpson 1.56kg. Best return on capital – Andrew Adam, £870. Spring show – Pen of four bullocks – 1, DR Hood, Middlehill; 2, W McLaren, Muirhouses; 3, GD MacDonald & Son, Meadows of Ballied. Pen of four heifers – 1, W McLaren, Muirhouses; 2, GD MacDonald & Son, Meadows of Ballied; 3, GD MacDonald & Son, Meadows of Ballied. Single bullock – DR Hood, Middlehill; 2, B and S Scott, Odmoston; 3, DR Hood, Middlehill. Single heifer – 1, R Simpson & Son, Mains of Creuchies; 2, GD MacDonald & Son, Meadows of Ballied; 3, P Cooper & Son, Govals. Champion – R Simpson & Son. Reserve – DR Hood.