A call for the Scottish Government and the UK Government to stop using “smoke and mirrors” to avoid taking responsibility for the uncertainty over Scotland’s future agricultural support budget sparked a political row.
Speaking at the Royal Highland Show yesterday, NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy said that the two governments were hiding behind each other on future agricultural funding: “And those stuck in the dark and unable to make long-term plans because of this smokescreen are farmers and crofters.”
Mr Kennedy said that agriculture was a long-term industry which had been tasked with the heavy lifting in delivering on food production and both climate and nature ambitions – but it faced major uncertainties over future funding levels.
He said that given that farmers in England had certainty of funding given through to 2027 the UK Treasury should give a multi-annual commitment equating to at least £620 million for Scotland on funding for agriculture.
He added that in its turn, the Scottish Government should give a commitment to ring fencing that sum to the agricultural budget.
And union policy director, Jonnie Hall added that gaining a commitment on funding levels was probably of greater importance than policy development:
“We can come up with the best policy in the world – but if there is no funding to deliver it then we are on a hiding to nothing.”
But speaking earlier in the day Scotland’s rural affairs secretary, Mairi Gougeon, pointed the finger of blame firmly in the direction of the UK Government, stating that it had refused to give a commitment on the level of future funding:
“Beyond 2025 we have no idea what the budget is going to be,” said Gougeon, who added that since the Bew review had been announced, the administration had tried to to have discussions about future allocations:
“But as of yet these discussions have never taken place despite us continuing to press for them with the UK Government.”
However, also at the show, Scottish Secretary, Alister Jack claimed that the Scottish Government was simply hiding behind excuses: “The Scottish Government currently receives a record block grant from the UK Treasury on a three year basis – and that won’t go backwards, it never has o it is inconceivable that this will be any less after 2024.
“It is a block grant and it is entirely up to the Scottish government to decide how this is divided up between their various competencies such as agriculture, health, education policing and other areas – they decide how it is allocated.”