The cases are confined to Norfolk and Kent. Picture by Mhairi Edwards/DCThomson.
There is now 50 cases of bluetongue on 27 farms and holdings in England, according to new data released by Defra this week.
The cases are confined to Norfolk and Kent, with both counties still in a temporary control zone (TCZ) since the initial outbreak in mid-November, which was the UK’s first case since 2007.
As of January 11, two further cases in cattle were identified at two new locations in the existing TCZ, bringing the total number to 47 infected animals.
Both locations are linked to holdings where cases have recently been found.
Defra says there is still no evidence that bluetongue virus is currently circulating in midges in the UK but surveillance is ongoing.
As a result, farmers and vets in the two counties have organised a meeting next week to discuss the ongoing situation.