Every month, we catch up with a young farmer in SAYFC. We head north to Orkney this time round to hear from Campbell Ridland of Harray Young Farmers Club on the West Mainland.
What’s your background? I am 21 years old and live on my family farm Aikerness, which we moved to from Shetland in 2008. I spent most of my childhood helping around the farm. We now work this farm along with our other farm The Hall of Clestrain which is 15 miles from home. We run both cattle and sheep at both farms in Orkney and have a flock of pure Shetland sheep at our farm which we still own up in Shetland.
What do you do for an occupation? I work at the Flotta Oil Terminal and am in the final year of my apprenticeship training to be an electrical maintenance technician. I work a shift rota of 12 days on and 16 days off so it leaves me plenty of time home on the farm.
Are you an office bearer in Young Farmers or have you been previously? I am currently secretary of Harray Young Farmers which has been a new challenge for me keeping a very keen and active club going forward throughout the year. The job has been made 10 times easier with having such a helpful committee by my side and all our members showing such great dedication to the club.
Why did you join Young Farmers? I joined Young Farmers as it seemed like a very easy going and fun club to be involved with. I knew a few folk who were already involved within Young Farmers so I went along with them and instantly had such a great time at all events.
What has been your most memorable moment as a Young Farmer so far? Whilst at college where I was based in Falkirk for two years, I joined another brilliant club Stirling, Strathendrick & Strathkelvin YF which has just celebrated its 80th anniversary. In doing this, I trained with the Clyde and Central team for the stockjudging competition at the Royal Highland Show. This lead me on to win the best individual beef stock judger in 2022. I was absolutely ecstatic to have done so well. I can remember the moment my name got read out, the whole of the Clyde and Central team erupted with screams of joy and excitement. It was a brilliant feeling!
Favourite time of year in the agricultural calendar? My favourite time of the year is the start of the summer. The weather starts to improve and you don’t have to wear a jacket everywhere you go. There’s lots of fun things on in the summer along with all the silage work to be done which is also a highlight of the year.
How has Young Farmers impacted your life? Young Farmers has had a massive impact in my life since joining, I have competed in just about every competition that it has to offer. This has given me the opportunity to travel away from home to compete and make loads of new friends along the way as well as having some of the best fun and making memories which will last a lifetime.
What are your life ambitions? My life ambition would be that I would like to live every day to the fullest and enjoy every second and end up an old man with lots of fun and entertaining stories to tell, and regret absolutely nothing along the way.
Why would you encourage somebody to join SAYFC? I would encourage anyone to join SAYFC as it is an organisation where you don’t have to be good at any one particular thing. If you come along to Young Farmers events then it is always good fun regardless of your set of skills. Attending events and trying your best you will always be appreciated by others in your club and district.