A new initative has been announced by the Crofting Commission this week which aims to ensure landlords are aware of their responsibilities and to encourage the re-letting of currently vacant crofting land.
The Commission will be writing out to landlords of vacant crofts to remind them that they have a legal responsibility that they must re-let the croft within one month of formal notification that the land is not currently tenanted.
Gary Campbell, chief executive of the Crofting Commission said: “Vacant crofts represent a missed opportunity for new entrants to crofting and for economic activity in rural communities.
“This initiative will provide landlords with clear information and support while also highlighting the vital role they play in maintaining a thriving crofting sector.”
The Crofting Commission’s plan will focus on three key areas such as raising awareness, promoting engagement and facilitating re-letting.
The organisation is set to launch a dedicated web page and targeted communication channels to inform landlords about their responsibilities, the re-letting process, and available support resources.
Landlords will be invited to participate in informative sessions to address their concerns and answer any questions they may have.
The commission will offer support to landlords seeking to re-let their crofts, signposting them to organisations with potential tenants.