There was plenty buzz around the sale ring at Dingwall Mart for the Luing Cattle Society’s annual spring breeding sale and the firm’s show and sale of pedigree bulls and breeding cattle.
Dingwall and Highland Marts sold 86 pedigree and commercial Luing cattle including 60 pedigree bulling heifers which averaged £2,168.26, as well as 217 adult head of breeding cattle.
Photographs by Sandy McCook, DC Thomson.
A good crowd of buyers and spectators turned out for the breeding cattle event.
The mart is a great place to catch up with fellow farmers.
Buyers take note of the prices.
It’s a serious game buying and selling livestock.
Auctioneer Luke Holmes.
The home baking always goes down well at Dingwall Mart.
The sale commenced with the annual offering of Luing breeding cattle.