Melissa Buchan of the Clinterty flock, Aberdeenshire, has won the Texel Sheep Society’s 2025 “spotlight” award.
Judges said she stood out from the other high calibre nominees for her depth of knowledge of the livestock industry, as well as her “enduring passion” for the Texel breed.
She was nominated by the North of Scotland Texel Breeders’ Club.
‘A credit to herself and her family’
Announcing her triumph, Texel Sheep Society chief executive John Yates described Melissa as “a credit to herself and her family”.
She showed “superb commitment” to the livestock sector and has a “great understanding” of how the Texel breed can contribute to the future of the UK sheep industry, Mr Yates said.
‘Fantastic ambassador’ for Texels
He added: “Melissa is a fantastic ambassador for the breed and her commitment to Texel shone through. I have no doubt that, in time, she will be a great asset to the breed and the wider industry.”
The annual spotlight award, now in its third year, is for a young breeder and recognises some of the unsung heroes within the breed who work to support their local Texel club.
It is open to members under 35, with clubs and youth development programme committee members asked to nominate people they feel have made an outstanding contribution to the breed in their local area or nationally.
Mr Yates said: “This year’s nominations were a pleasure to interview – all high achievers, some with high performing flocks, and others who go the extra mile in supporting clubs and local events.
“All had in-depth knowledge of the breed and value it adds to them and the industry.”
It was great to see a strong calibre of nominations once again for this award, showing the great strength of the younger generation within the breed.” John Yates, chief executive, Texel Sheep Society
Clubs have long been at the core of society activities and it is important to recognise the role they play in supporting and promoting the breed across the UK, he said.
He went on: “It was great to see a strong calibre of nominations once again for this award, showing the great strength of the younger generation within the breed.
“It is encouraging for the future of the breed and the society.”
Melissa’s day job at the marts
Melissa works full time as a fieldsperson for Aberdeen and Northern Marts, supporting clients in marketing their livestock to its best advantage.
Alongside this, she is heavily involved with Clinterty Farm’s Texel flock at New Aberdour.
She helps her father, Brian, and brother, Gavin, transition towards producing shearlings for the commercial trade, having previously had a focus on breeding ram lambs.
The family believe the shearling market to be a more sustainable business model which will suit them better. But they have had great days selling ram lambs, including, in 2016, selling Clinterty Yuga Khan and Clinterty Yogi Bear for 60,000gns and 52,000gns, respectively.