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5 farmers joining Michael Blanche on the couch in Inverurie

The Aberdeenshire event will throw spotlight on industry's new generation.

Michael Blanche will host the Monitor Farm meeting next week.
Michael Blanche will host the Monitor Farm meeting next week. Image: MFS

Entrepreneurial north-east farmers will be in the spotlight at a Monitor Farm Scotland (MFS) event in Inverurie next week.

Farming podcaster Michael Blanche, host of the Pasture Pod, will host the “On the Couch” session.

He will be interviewing some of the younger generation carving out a future in farming.

The audience will hear from Kirsty and Ross Williams, farmers at Ranna Farm, Tarland. They have pedigree and commercial cattle and sheep, poultry, finishing pigs and arable crops, as well as day jobs with SAC Consulting and Norvite, respectively.

Kirsty and Ross Williams, of Ranna Farm, Tarland.
Kirsty and Ross Williams, of Ranna Farm, Tarland. Image: Monitor Farm Scotland

Also joining Michael on the couch will be Michelle Bruce, who farms at Meikle Tillyeve, Udny, with her husband, Gary, and their daughter, Rosie. The family have six working collie dogs and 730 breeding ewes. Michelle also works as a part-time, self-employed agricultural consultant, while she and her husband also host sheepdog training clinics.

Michelle Bruce, who farms at Meikle Tillyeve, Udny.
Michelle Bruce, who farms at Meikle Tillyeve, Udny. Image: Monitor Farm Scotland

Meanwhile, Robert Marshall, who runs a mixed farm extending to more than 2,500 acres of arable and grassland near Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire, will share his experience.

He took over the majority partnership of his family business in his 20s, with the support of his parents, and continues to manage change, building climate resilience into his system.

Robert Marshall, who runs a mixed farm near Lumphanan
Robert Marshall, who runs a mixed farm near Lumphanan. Image: Monitor Farm Scotland.

Completing Michael’s couch chat line-up is Louise Munro, who farms with her husband, Stuart, at Mossend, near Hatton. She manages 50 stabiliser cattle, finishing the progeny and bringing in store lambs over the winter. She’s also a mum to two boys, a farm consultant and North East of Scotland Farm Management Association secretary.

Louise Munro, who farms at Mossend near Hatton.
Louise Munro, who farms at Mossend near Hatton. Image: Monitor Farm Scotland

Farmstrong Scotland warm-up

The event will be opened by Alix Ritchie, of Farmstrong Scotland, who will warm up the audience before Michael and his guests take to the stage.

All five panellists will be seated on a large couch supplied by Transform Community Development.

Where is Michael Blanche’s farm?

As well as podcasting, Michael farms 550 ewes and 200 hoggs as a tenant at Culteuchar near Forgandenny, Perth. He also owns a share of a growing suckler herd of 45 Aberdeen-Angus cross Welsh black females and contract farms sheep for a neighbour, as well as being a farm consultant.

‘Light-hearted and  positive discussion’ promised for Inverurie

MFS regional adviser Peter Beattie said: ‘This meeting will bring a panel of younger farmers together with a star of farming podcasts for a light-hearted and positive discussion of all things in agriculture.

“We’d be delighted to see farmers of all ages there, and especially young farmers – the meeting is open to all.”

The MFS scheme is managed by Quality Meat Scotland, with support from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. It is fully funded by the Scottish Government.

How do I book for On the Couch?

On the Couch with Michael Blanche will take place from 5.45pm to 8pm on Thursday March 20  at Inverurie Town Hall. Bookings for the free event can be made at
