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Gallery: Hens escape slaughterhouse at Stonehaven event

Dozens of birds found new homes.

British Hen Welfare Trust hen rehoming event in Stonehaven. Image: Kath Flannery/DC Thomson
British Hen Welfare Trust hen rehoming event in Stonehaven. Image: Kath Flannery/DC Thomson

Hens rescued from the slaughterhouse began their new lives at an event at Cheyne Farmhouse, near Stonehaven.

It was the latest in a series of collection days organised by the British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT) around the UK.

The trust has rehomed more than a million hens since 2005.

The millionth bird went to the King.

‘Hen’tastic’ Stonehaven event

If you missed the chance to give a bird a home this time, keep checking the BHWT website to find out about future events.

There were dozens of hens looking for kindly new owners at Cheyne Farmhouse.

And one of our photographers, Kath Flannery, was there to capture the “hen-tastic” occasion.

British Hen Welfare Trust hen rehoming event.
People lined up with their boxes to pick up their new hens!
Hand-picked one at a time.
Karen and Freya Welsh collect their hens.
Excited hens being loaded into carriers.
All of the hens on their way to their new homes!
The British Hen Welfare Trust hen rehoming event took place in Stonehaven.
Cheyne Farmhouse had many Hens looking for new homes.
Even the family dog is looking forward to having new friends.
New families await the rescue hens.
This hen is away to be loaded into her box.
Eagerly waiting to be scooped up for their new homes.
Waiting for her sisters to hop in the crate to their forever home.
Loaded up in the crates for collection.
Mr and Mrs Good collect their hens.
These ladies have a second chance at a free-roaming life.
Rescue hens chilling as they wait their turn.
Too excited to stay still!
Cute close-up.
You looking at me?
Brian and Kathryn Sutton collect their hens.
These lovely hens going together to a new forever home.
Group shot, smile!
Anne Charles with one of the hens.
Sweet hen posing for our photographer Kath to get her good side!
Away to their new homes!
Come down from there!
If you missed the chance to give a bird a home this time, keep checking the BHWT website to find out about future events.
