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Gallery: Happy hens have new homes after Inverurie event

Birds were destined for the slaughterhouse.

British Hen Welfare Trust hen rehoming event this weekend. Image: Kath Flannery/DC Thomson
British Hen Welfare Trust hen rehoming event this weekend. Image: Kath Flannery/DC Thomson

Hens saved from the slaughterhouse have begun their new lives at an event near Inverurie.

It was the latest in a series of rehoming days organised by the British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT) around the UK.

The trust has found new homes for more than a million hens since 2005.

The millionth bird went to the King.

These hens have all been working hard laying eggs for us to pick up in the supermarket.

But now they have reached 18 months old they are at the end of their commercial life;

Feathered friends galore at Inverurie event

If you missed the chance to give a bird a home this time, keep checking the BHWT website to find out about future events.

There were lots of hens looking for kindly new owners at Braeside of Rothmaise, Meikle Wartle, near Inverurie.

And one of our photographers, Kath Flannery, was there to capture the “hen-tastic” occasion.

Jack and Harry Taverner taking home their hens.
Chris Watson with his hens.
British Hen Welfare Trust hen rehoming event.
Volunteer Lisanne Sharples.
Christine Muller with her hens.
Ella Morgan, Maiko Vipach and Melvin with their hens.
Volunteer Iona Foubister.
Volunteers Sarah Wheeler and Lorna Thomson.
Loading the hens into their boxes.
Group photo!
Volunteer Ruby Wheeler with some of the hens.
Kathryn snd Matthew Spencer with Mhairi, Ailie, taking their hens home.
Jade Scott with her new hens.
The rehoming event took place outside Inverurie.
Many hens were rehomed today.
Loaded up and ready to go to their new home!
Looking for some rescue hens?
Volunteer Mya Staff.
Another successful rehome.
Sarah and James Tranter with their hens.
Sarah Taylor with her hens.
