Shetland Foodbank recently warned removal of the energy price cap will increase demand for their services
A north-east financial company has donated £5,000 towards helping feed some of the region’s poorest families.
Aberdeen Asset Management has given the cash to Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE), which has a fleet of nine vehicles regularly distributing food donations to organisations across the city, Aberdeenshire and Moray, which help support those struggling to put food on their tables.
Dave Simmers, the chief executive of CFINE, said the downturn in the North Sea oil and gas industry had resulted in a much larger demand for his charity’s services.
He added: “We operate on very tight budgets where every penny counts, so to get £5,000 from Aberdeen Asset Management is a fantastic contribution.
“Without our vehicles, we could not get out to the charities and community organisations like the Cyrenians, Salvation Army and Instant Neighbour which in turn reach the people in need in Grampian, which is a huge area to cover.”
Aberdeen Asset Management donate £5,000 to help feed poorest families in the north-east