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Aberdeen bar with self-service beer taps on market for £350,000

An Aberdeen Energy Park unit and a derelict Aberdeenshire hotel are also among this week's commercial property listings.

The building which is home to OGV Taproom is up for sale. Image: TSA Property Consultants
The building which is home to OGV Taproom is up for sale. Image: TSA Property Consultants

An Aberdeen bar and nightclub investment opportunity has danced onto the market with a price of £350,000.

OVG Taproom on Windmill Brae can be found amongst the highlights of the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire commercial property listings.

Meanwhile, an Aberdeen Energy Park industrial unit and a derelict New Aberdour hotel are also amongst the highlights.

Every week we bring readers a selection of the most interesting properties listed for sale or rent.

OGV Taproom, Aberdeen

We start in the Granite City, where the opportunity to own a bar is on the market for £350,000.

Home to OGV Taproom, the property is being marketed by TSA Property Consultants as an investment opportunity.

The current operators hold a lease until December 2028 and currently pay £50,000 a year in rent. OGV Taproom also has its own self-service beer taps.

The OGV Taproom in Aberdeen. image: TSA Property Consultants

What’s up for grabs? A leisure premises arranged over the lower ground floor, upper ground floor and part of the first floor in a four-storey building.

The lower ground bar has a fitted seating area, a bar and a commercial kitchen area.

Meanwhile, the upper ground floor has another bar area as well as store rooms and the first floor features an office space.

Claymore Drive, Aberdeen Energy Park

Staying in Aberdeen with a trip to Claymore Drive in Bridge of Don, where an industrial facility has come onto the market.

The Aberdeen Energy Park 30,500 sq ft industrial unit is available to lease for £325,000 per year.

The property is made up of a detached facility which is laid out to provide a two-storey office as well as a workshop and yard to the rear.

The Aberdeen Energy Park unit. Image: Shepherd Chartered Surveyors

It also has “substantial” parking availability to its front.

Shepherd Chartered Surveyors is in charge of the listing and said the offices are laid out to provide a mixture of open plan and cellular accommodation.

The selling agent said: “The property occupies a prominent location within the Aberdeen Energy Park on the east side of Claymore Drive.

“It is an established business location within the Bridge of Don area.”

The Dower Hotel, New Aberdour

Last but not least, an Aberdeenshire hotel which is a “work in progress” has come onto the market for £100,000.

The Dower Hotel in New Aberdour is being marketed by McEwan Fraser Legal as a “unique development opportunity”.

The hotel has plenty of background, shutting in 2007. New American owners The Clan Baird Society Worldwide launched ambitious plans in 2023.

They revealed a £2 million revamp project which would “bring the hotel back to its former splendor”.

The Dower Hotel, which was set to have £2 million spent on it. Image: McEwan Fraser Legal
Inside the derelict hotel. Image: McEwan Fraser Legal

McEwan Fraser said the work in progress is up for sale due to the current owners having to relocate mid-project.

The selling agent said: “Having been derelict for 15 years until 2022, there was nothing of this fine old building’s interior left to save.

“The current owners have made good the roof structure, completely re-slated the roof; restored the chimneys, stripped the stone walls of their damp cement render and repaired and repointed them in breathable lime.

“This work has removed all the ‘conservation risk’ from this beautiful old building leaving it wind and water tight, ready for a ‘modern’ eco house to be built within.”
