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Readers have their say on how the North Coast 500 could be improved

March marks a decade of the route's promotion - but what could be improved?

Campervans on the North Coast 500 have been a big topic of discussion.
Campervans on the North Coast 500 have been a big topic of discussion.

The Press and Journal readers have had their say on what North Coast 500 bosses should focus on to improve the iconic route.

The 516-mile journey across the north border has reached a decade of promotion this month.

North Coast 500 Ltd is the marketing firm behind “the ultimate road trip” and works closely with businesses and groups in order to “enhance the visitor experience”.

Studies have revealed the “absolutely incredible” impact of the route on tourism and business in the Highlands.

However, our readers have shared what they feel could be done to improve it.

Campervan carry-on

One issue highlighted by readers is the lack of policing of rules and regulations across the vast area where the route takes people, with many lay-bys used as campsites.

Iain Sutherland said: “The route needs to be better managed, and a lot of that management has to come from the Highland Council.

“We have already seen moves in that direction with the recently approved budged.

“They are reinstating rangers, they are making overnight parking charges in their car parks compulsory, but will it be enforced? More will need to be done.

“A lot of the criticism happens when motorhomes park up in areas where they are not wanted, dispose of their rubbish inappropriately, or empty their dishwater or chemical toilets somewhere they shouldn’t.

Motorhome users fill the car park next to Kylesku bridge on the NC500.

“All of these problems are sorted when motorhomes use campsites or certified locations.

“These places have all the facilities they need, then the private sector pays to clean up after them, not the taxpayer.

“Campsites also pay business rates, employ staff, and feed into an extensive supply chain.

“We need to stop the layby parking and get these people to stay in campsites or certified locations.”

Local engagement could help North Coast 500 issues, says reader

One reader has recognised the NC500 “isn’t going away” but wants to find a way in which locals are able to have their voice heard.

DA said: “I think better engagement with the residents would help improve matters.

“Living in an area does not entitle you to a view, or a parking spot or quiet roads or a rubbish free environment with no visitors to share your privilege.

“Engage and find a way for residents to embrace the change in the way people are spending their free time.

“Education is the way forward and the only way meaningful change will occur – education of both the visitors and the residents.”

Glen Docherty on the North Coast 500.
Readers have recognised why the NC500 is such a big attraction, but feel more engagement with locals is needed. Image: Shutterstock.

MargM added: “Engage with and listen to communities. Successful tourism depends on the support of the people who work and do business here.

“Support studies that look not only at the financial benefit but also at the impact on communities and the environment.

“Replace the current slogan “the ultimate road trip” with something more in line with current views regarding slow tourism.

“Work to slow vehicles down and support any initiative aimed at controlling road rallies and fast cars – it is not a race circuit.

“Pay towards the fixing the damage caused by users of the NC500 – it is not enough just saying the government has to do it.

“How about investing in and maintaining public toilets?”

Better updates – or none at all?

Mark E said: “Update the interactive map. Petrol stations and electric charging points should be shown.

“When I search that it doesn’t show petrol stations. Range anxiety exists for all forms of transport.”

However, not all believe North Coast 500 Ltd should be doing more to promote it – and some believe they should stop altogether.

Some readers believe the tourist signs should be removed to prevent any more North Coast 500 issues.

Jean 15 said: “Stop advertising it! A lot of the route is not suitable for very large camper vans or caravans.

“Also facilities are not there for a lot of the traffic using it so people park where they like.

“When I first travelled this route, long before it became the NC500, it was a pleasure to drive it. Now it’s become a nightmare.”
