The Malmaison in Aberdeen has won a top award for its hygiene
Aberdeen Asset Management has become the new landlord of the Malmaison Hotel following a £21.8million deal.
The fund manager snapped up the Aberdeen property from Aviva Investors.
The property is one of the Granite city’s iconic hotels and comprises 79 rooms, a restaurant, wine tasting cellar, whisky shop, spa and gym.
Developed in 2008, the hotel is let to Malmaison until 2046 at a current rent of £1.15million per annum.
Jon Bailey, Fund Manager at Aberdeen Asset management, said: “The property is unique in a market that is continuing to grow and with around 32 years remaining on the lease, it is well suited to our client’s portfolio requirements.”
Aberdeen Asset Management is new Malmaison landlord following £21.8million deal