It is not uncommon for Kirk ministers to be absent from work due to stress.
Stressed out Kirk ministers and their families are being encouraged to attend a wellbeing conference to help them better cope with the rigours of parish leadership.
The event is being run by two American ministers, Susan Nienaber and Mark Sundby, who have held similar events for under pressure clergymen and woman across the Atlantic.
Tickets for the five-day event in Cumbernauld at the end of August cost £450 for a minister and a plus one.
The course will focus on emotional and physical assessments, nutrition, wholeness and mindfulness.
The Rev Neil Dougall, convener of the Kirk’s ministeries council, said wellbeing was made up of physical, emotional and spiritual factors.
“The conference is about what creates wellbeing and helping ministers to develop patterns to ensure they thrive,” he added.
“Being a minister can be stressful and moments arise – the majority cope reasonably well but some don’t.
“Ministers who understand themselves better are more resilient.”