When making decisions about your child’s education, we all want the best, and Robert Gordon’s College is passionate about providing an unrivalled support system in learning. The deadline to apply to Robert Gordon’s College is drawing near, but the opportunities for your child will last a lifetime.
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Important dates to apply to Robert Gordon’s College
A unique independent school, Robert Gordon’s College puts innovation and creativity at the heart of all learning. Is your family considering applying to Robert Gordon’s College?
Here are some need-to know dates should your child apply to Robert Gordon’s College:
- Application deadline for Nursery to S6: January 9 2024
- Application deadline for Burnett Scholarships (Scholarships for pupils entering S5 and S6 from other schools in August 2024): January 9 2024
Helping your child discover a lifelong love of learning
Renowned for its stimulating environment and high academic achievements, Robert Gordon’s is also recognised for its ethos of being a caring, inclusive and respectful community. Whether your child joins from the very start in Nursery or from Primary 1, Primary 6 or S1, they will build friendships that will last a lifetime.
Paula Park, admissions manager, highlights: “One of the most popular entry points is Primary 1 which enables pupils to make the most of the extensive curricular and co-curricular programme available at Robert Gordon’s College.
“We also see many families join in Primary 6 from across Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, and from international schools who appreciate the extended transition opportunities where pupils work on a shared curricular programme of work to ensure a seamless progression to secondary education. When they move into Primary 7, pupils are taught in the Senior School on a weekly basis for art, drama, IT and science so they become more familiar with the environments.”
When it comes to transition, no matter what year group you enter, children experience the same transition opportunities as our key entry year groups.” – Paula Park, admissions manager
“A special place with its foundations in a strong, caring community”
At Robert Gordon’s College, the super-curriculum helps pupils discover their passions and interests. From a young age, this supportive environment enables children to make informed decisions about their future career paths and aspirations.
While the formal curriculum provides essential knowledge and skills, the super-curriculum supports a broader education that fosters personal growth, critical thinking, and adaptability, and equips pupils with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Burnett Scholarships are available to pupils entering S5 and S6 externally from other schools. Offering up to half-fee discounts to pupils of outstanding talent in academic subjects, in music, or in sport, the scholarships help make access to an independent school a reality for families across north-east Scotland.
Robin Macpherson, head of college, summarises: “We are proud to offer the broadest curriculum in the north-east of Scotland and our results are outstanding. The ability to provide all our pupils with their preferred subjects in National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses is truly remarkable and highlights our commitment to enabling our pupils to be the best they can be.”
Incredibly, 99% of our pupils went to their first choice university last year and we offer a diverse range of future pathways, including Oxford, Cambridge and Ivy League universities.” -Robin Macpherson
That same breadth can be seen in the co-curriculum where many pupils from Robert Gordon’s College go on to careers in the creative arts, professional sport and the global tech sector.
Robin said: “Robert Gordon’s pupils are capable of achieving anything they put their minds to and choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions of your child’s life. It is a special place with its foundations in a strong, caring community.
“Get in touch with our admissions team and take the next step in making that journey for your child and we’ll be with you every step along the way. There is no better place to be!”
A forward-thinking and progressive independent school, Robert Gordon’s College is an inclusive-learning community with an invigorating curriculum to spark your curiosity.
Begin your journey and apply online today.