Architecture students from Robert Gordon University have put the wheels in motion for a possible north-east mountain biking centre.
Their designs for a regional trail depot were unveiled last week at an exhibition held in partnership with Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland (DMBinS) and Forestry Commission Scotland.
More than 50 people viewed 29 projects showcasing original ideas for facilities at an example site of Kirkhill Forest north of Aberdeen.
Martin Byers who runs amateur biking group, ABZ MTB Race Team said: “I came along to the meeting with fairly low expectations as we have seen these type of discussions happen before in the north-east and we haven’t seen any progress on the ground.
“However, it was really encouraging to hear that the area has been identified as a gap within purpose-built mountain bike facility provision in Scotland and it was clear that if any future progress is to happen we need to bring mountain bikers together, get organised and have a collective voice to ensure we get the facility we need in the area.”
Keen rider Ann Marie Markle said: “The student exhibition was very inspiring and it was pretty obvious that there was enthusiasm for a centre in the area.
“We need to maintain momentum and canvas the views of many more riders on where and what the centre should be.”
The next step of the project will see a survey to gather more information on what is needed in the north east.