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Aberdeen metal band goodhuman bounce back from health scare to sign with acclaimed label

Aberdeen metalcore band goodhuman have returned after a hiatus due to illness and are set to release a new single and debut album.

Aberdeen metal band goodhuman sign to Morningstar Records Image: Michaela Emslie
Aberdeen metal band goodhuman sign to Morningstar Records Image supplied by goodhuman

Aberdeen metalcore/deathcore band goodhuman are back with a bang following a hiatus as their guitarist recovered from a heart attack.

Goodhuman have signed with highly respected label Morningstar Records and are set to release a new single, Defiance.

The five-piece band are also working on a debut album that will be released on the label.

Imminent single Defiance is aptly titled as the band have battled back after guitarist Craig Paterson suffered a heart attack last summer.

Craig then experienced a further setback when hit with colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease.

Aberdeen band goodhuman are working on a new album. Image: Jack Skinner
Aberdeen band goodhuman are working on a new album. Image: Michaela Emslie

The guitarist admits it was a “brutal” time but now the band are back recording and playing live with a major 2025 comeback year planned.

Craig said: “I had a heart attack in July last year.

“I got a stent and recovered from that.

“A couple of weeks passed and I was feeling good then I got really bad colitis.

“I was out of the game for another two months.

“It was pretty brutal. Now we are keeping the progress going with the band.”

 Aberdeen band goodhuman have signed to Morningstar Records Image: Jack Skinner
Aberdeen band goodhuman have signed to Morningstar Records Image: Michaela Emslie

Formed in 2014 goodhuman are Craig (guitar), Connor Milne (vocals), Allan Bowes (guitar), Scotty Lodge (bass) and Ross Cameron (drums).

The band are working on their debut album with the acclaimed Ghost Bird Studios in the New Zealand city of Dunedin.

Goodhuman put health battle first

Ghost Bird Studios is the base of Mike Lamb and Heike Langhans who have produced and mastered works by bands such as Remina, Lord of Shadows and Edenfall.

Bassist Scotty said: “We were building up great momentum but had to put health first due to illness in the band.

“We were still able to put out the last single Ashes which was a great success.

“That was through Mike Lamb and Ghost Bird Studios.”

Founded in Fraserburgh in 2015 Morningstar Records boast an impressive roster including Earthcaster, The Zealous Chieftans, Bleach HCP and Ten Tonne Dozer.

Morningstar Records ‘building a community’

The label is renowned for an eclectic roster and provides a platform, and autonomy, to rising bands

Drummer Ross said: “We were initially set to go on a short tour with The Zealous Chieftans who are on Morningstar Records.

“We built a relationship up with the members The Zealous Chieftans but due to illness in our band had to drop out to make sure everything was okay.

“We maintained that relationship with the band, particularly Izaac Morrison, who is our main contact at Morningstar Records.

“That relationship became more professional as well as a friendship as we signed on for the label.

“Morningstar Records are helping build a community to give everyone a sense of real live music again.”

Goodhuman released their self-titled debut EP in 2018 and followed it up with three track EP Incandescent.

Afflictions was released in 2023 with Ashes dropping last year.

Working with New Zealand producer

The link up with Ghost Bird Studios in New Zealand  was forged by bassist Scotty’s collaboration with studio owner Mike Lamb.

Scotty formed band Light Field Reverie with Mike and Heike Langhans.

Goodhuman are set to co-headline Krakatoa in Aberdeen on Friday, April 4 with Earthcaster and Eld Varg also appearing.

Scotty said: “Signing for Morningstar Records was a no-brainer for us.

“It is a grassroots label there to support bands like us.

“Morningstar Records fits with our morals and ethics of how the music industry should be run.

“It is very much a give and take relationship and that’s what we have wanted all along.

“It isn’t a dictatorship which you see with a lot of labels now.

“We are working with different bands building that grass roots network across Scotland.

“We want to help Morningside Records as they are great guys and deserve success.

“Having them behind us from the time we had to take off is great.”
