In the time leading up to the Scottish Referendum, Scottish author Daniel Gray and photographer, Alan McCredie, spent their time travelling the country visiting everywhere from the Border to Caithness and the Hebrides. What the book does, really well, is capture images of Scotland, but not as seen on a shortbread tin.
Daniel says: “We both know and love lochs and glens, but it wasn’t the Scotland we wanted to put on page. We wanted everyday Scotland: flaking pub signs, sneaky fags outside the bingo, Italian cafes and proper football grounds.
That meant Inverness is a teenager dancing like a monkey, Sutherland is beautiful discarded old petrol pumps and Caithness is tales of German tourists peering uneasily at hotel food.”
Across the country, as Alan snapped away, Daniel drifted around, taking notes, purposely overhearing conversations in pubs and on buses as they worked their way under the skin of often neglected parts of Scotland.
In 12 chapters across half a dozen towns and areas, the book uses pictures, many of them neglected yet glorious and charming in their own way, to tell 1,000 stories.
Book review: This is Scotland: A Country in Words and Pictures by Daniel Gray and Alan McCredie