Confession time. I’m one of those adults who hasn’t fully embraced so called, ‘new’ technology. I love my mobile phone, would be lost without it to tell the truth, but don’t really understand how it works, espeically when it comes to using predictive text when sending messages. I’m not alone. Parents can be embarrassing at the best of times but when they get hold of a mobile phone, the results can be hilarious.
This book contains numerous examples of how things can go horribly wrong when a parent’s lack of knowledge is fully exposed. Using shorthand terms such as LOL, WTF etc clearly cause all sorts of choas when parents don’t know what they mean. There’s few examples that can be repeated on the pages of a family newspaper but it is laugh out loud funny at times and if I’m honest made me think, I’m not so bad after all.
Book Review – W.T.F. Why Parents Should Never Text