Hit play One Man Show, which tells the story of a downtrodden janitor who dreams of one day becoming a star, will come to Portsoy’s church hall on Friday at 6.30pm.
The hilarious journey of physical theatre and slapstick comedy follows the bumbling caretaker Jango Starr as he is suddenly thrust into the limelight and has to perform.
For added fun, North East Arts Touring (Neat) Deveron, which is bringing the play to the north-east, is giving away sweets to youngsters on the night who – like Jango – arrive wearing odd shoes.
Tickets are priced at £8 for adults and £3 for children, available from Portsoy’s famous ice cream shop.
Stovies and soup will be on sale before the show, from 6pm, priced at £5 and £3, respectively, and there will also be a tuck shop for children selling sweets, crisps and juice.
One Man Shoe is one of a number of new and innovative shows coming to the local area over the next few months.
Neat Deveron will be running shows for adults, children and families in venues across the north-east.
The theatre troupe is supported by Creative Scotland and Aberdeenshire Council.