With enhanced measures in place to help keep you safe while you shop, here’s what you can expect from a shopping trip at Bon Accord when it reopens on April 26.
Craig Stevenson, Centre Manager said: “Bon Accord is delighted to welcome retailers back in line with government restrictions easing from the 26th April.
“Enhanced safety measures remain in place at the centre including a keep left system, hand sanitising stations, touch point cleaning and more. We look forward to welcoming customers back for a safe and enjoyable shopping experience.”
Here are five key safety measures that Bon Accord has implemented to make sure that you have a safe and enjoyable shopping trip.
1. One-way system
When you arrive at the centre, you will see arrows and signs asking you to enter and travel through the centre on the left-hand side.
Using a one-way system at the centre allows shoppers to socially distance more easily and aids the flow of traffic.
2. Social distancing and hand sanitising
The centre asks that customers take responsibility for themselves and always maintain a two-metre social distance from other family groups.
This is particularly important in areas of the mall where the one-way system is not in place, such as centre toilets.
Customers will also find hand sanitising stations throughout the mall and centre staff respectfully ask that if you are visiting Bon Accord, you make use of the hand cleaning facilities available.
3. Enhanced cleaning
An enhanced cleaning regime is in place, with touch points such as handrails and lift buttons regularly cleaned.
Look out for members of Team Bon Accord wearing “touch point team” high-vis vests!
4. Masks
In line with government guidance, the centre encourages visitors to wear a mask or face covering, unless they are exempt.
5. Lifts
Centre lifts are now limited to one family group only. Please do not enter a lift with customers from another family group and use the stairs and escalator where possible.
In line with government guidance, non-essential retail will reopen on Monday 26th April. For full details of what to expect from a visit to the Bon Accord centre, check out its website here.