Are you ready to do some entertaining?
Property features often highlight the areas in a home that are good for entertaining – such as an open-plan kitchen/diner or outdoor deck with seating.
If you have something like that then you’re off to a flying start. But what about the little things, like serving bowls and side tables?
Here are some tell-tale signs that you’re not so much the hostess with the mostess but the household that needs to go shopping:
When friends come round to your home and you offer them a beverage, you have to rake around in the cupboard to find the only cup or mug that looks vaguely respectable. And then when you hand them their drink, they have nowhere to put it.
When you decide instead to share a bottle of wine, no one has the same amount because in your house, no two glasses are the same.
Mismatching crockery, glassware and seating does have a certain bohemian charm, but sometimes it’s less stressful to be a bit more organised.
Owning two matching china mugs for coffee might just make you happy. A side table ditto.
Buying a six-pack of new glasses for when you have company? Where’s the harm in that? And as for napkins, what’s not to like?
Think about it, when you go round to someone else’s home and they have all this stuff streamlined so you can all relax and get on with the business of enjoying yourself, doesn’t it feel good?